Saturday, March 3, 2012

SpiriTouch Now at Ghoststop

You have to take a look at this product!! This would be a nice add you your gear. You can use this for yes or no questions with a spirit so you can get a clear answer. We normally use a K2 but I think this could be better.

SpiriTouch Paranormal Interaction Device

The SpiriTouch uses touch sensitive technology to alert you to a presence from the beyond. This unit must be physically touched in order to illuminate the alert light and is completely non-suseptable to outside interference such as EMF, cell phones, radios and other types of RF and EM frequencies giving you full control and clear evidence.

The SpiritTouch is a non-invasive paranormal interaction device that was designed for use in the paranormal fields of investigation. this hand-held unit uses touch sensitive technology allowing the smallest energy transfer to alert you to a presence. The SpiriTouch can only be activated when a very nearby transfer of electrons has occurred. It must be touched or nearly touched for this transfer to take place.

Just turn the SpiriTouch unit on use the simple toggle switch. The red light will illuminate if something touches the unit alerting you to a presence. Just touch again to turn the light off or the unit will reset after one minute. If you want this CLICK HERE

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